Herbal Blend DarmRuhe for Horses
Flatulence in horses
The horse’s digestive system breaks down energy-rich nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins and crude fiber.
Depending on the nutrient, different microorganisms, digestive juices and enzymes are involved.
Most microorganisms are found in the cecum and colon (parts of the large intestine). This area is where crude fiber is primarily fermented. This fermentation of crude fiber provides the horse with energy - so good quality hay is essential here.
If there is an excess of starch or protein, these nutrients, which are actually supposed to be digested in the small intestine, can also reach the large intestine and be microbially fermented by bacteria. This is where the problem of incorrect fermentation and flatulence arises. (Technical term: meteorism)
Bloating or bloating in horses can be caused by the following circumstances:
• too rapid feed change including grazing
• too little hay
• too much concentrated feed (starch)
• Mold in the feed
• fresh bread
• Feeding wilted green fodder
• Stress and therefore eating too quickly
• Nutrient deficiencies
Our new
Herbal mixture DarmRuhe for dry feeding
Composition of the mixture:
caraway, fennel, Egyptian mint and anise
Analytical constituents:
water 10.2%
crude protein 14.9%
crude fat 11.7%
crude fiber 18.5%
crude ash 7.3%
N-free extracts 37.5%
Feeding recommendation: Large horse: 2 heaped tablespoons, small horse 1-1.5 tablespoons daily.
1 kg container